Life on the Voiceover List

Tips and Thoughts on Voice Acting


Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!

Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.

Frequent Faffers: Why We Can't Wait for Faffcon 5

Two weeks from now I’ll be back with fellow Voice Talents, this time in Charlotte, NC. My name is Randye and I am a frequent faffer. (everybody all together: “Hi, Randye!”) Why? Why spend hard-earned voiceover income on plane fare, hotel lodging, and a registration fee? WIIFM? (“What’s in it for me….?”) Oh, so much. […]

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Why I'm Not a Voice Over Superstar- Yet

I recently heard from one of my agents, someone who represents me in Chicago. We hadn’t had any contact in awhile, so I was checking in to see if we should “break up” or not. You know. Weeding. What she said was both reaffirming and a wake-up reminder: The reaffirming part: “You are an amazing […]

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Investing in your own Voiceover Business

To quote Tom Daniels, a fellow VO talent and friend (at least on facebook!), If you have your equipment together (which today can be a laptop with free editing/recording software, a good USB Mic and a quiet area to record), you are just nanoseconds away from any location worldwide! The rest is passion, talent and marketing skills.

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Book Randye Kaye for your Project Today!

Randye Kaye has over 20 years of experience as a voice talent, stage/TV/film actress, and radio personality, with a long list of major clients.