Happier Made Simple™ Blog
Choose Your Words. Change Your Life.
Welcome to Happier Made Simple™: Choose Your Words. Change Your Life.
This community is for you if you want to Live Happier- Every Day , taking small, immediate steps.
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Happer Made Simple™: Choose Your Words. Change Your Life. Now Available!
Processing Time: Why Happier Does Not Mean Constantly Happy
I had a day on Sunday. You know, where I just couldn't shake my sadness the way I usually can.
Ever have one of those? (If you say no, then you may want to check your pulse.)
As a "happier" writer, and the person people seem to seek out when they want a more optimistic perspective, it isn't easy to fall into the occasional hole of a less-than-stellar mood.
Hello Again, Stranger!: Tiptoeing Back Into Small Encounters
How I've missed you, person I meet by accident. We've been in our caves, zooming away, and hiding behind our masks for too long.
April's Word: Complete. How Did it Go?
Well…is anything ever really complete? (*sighs* started with a disclaimer…no-judgment zone)
As you may be aware, this year I opted out of New Year’s Resolutions (okay, opted out again) and chose instead a try-and-see approach simply by choosing a word for each month, no pressure, and seeing what might happen.
Legacy: The too-short life of Amy Oestreicher
Ten years ago, I auditioned to play a role I’d performed twice before: Nancy in Oliver. I didn’t get cast (it had been a long shot, age-wise, but hey). The role went to my friend Amy - who was, to be fair, much more suited to it. Not only was Amy 30 years younger than I am, but she actually looked the part of the underfed, abused waif that Dickens’ Nancy probably was.
Why did Amy look so thin?
Unmoored: What To Do if Life Goes Adrift
I'm not a huge interpreter of dreams, but last night's was a doozy. My home was about to fall into a sinkhole. ( What ?!?! )
So I had to climb onto the roof, leaving behind all I had worked so hard to create. Carefully chosen wallpaper, brownies baking in the oven - all abandoned; I climbed up, nearer to the sky (with a friend, identity unknown) as the house drifted into the water (I guess I had scored a waterfront property in this dream, wahoo) - destination entirely unknown. No map. Just safety from disaster, and no choice but to trust that we would land somewhere. Somehow. And eventually we did land - on an island where my family was among others waiting to share this new experience.
Art: Creating for the Non-Artist
Word of the month for March:
Because I'm not an artist - at least, not a visual one.
Why do it, then?
What’s in a Word? Turns Out, a Whole Lot.
Screw New Year’s Resolutions. Especially this year, unless the resolution is to just, well, stay alive. (Stupid Covid.) I can’t remember the last time I made a resolution, anyway, since my higher self knows they only make it until mid-January at best. Then it’s another whole 11½ months of Oreos buttered popcorn, and guilt until we “resolve” again.
Dear Evi: Wishing You Simple Childhood Joys
Dearest grandbaby Eviana -
New Year's Eve Day has forever gained a new meaning, leaving things like resolutions in the dust of a much more important focus: your birthday.
This year, you will be one whole year old on December 31, and you've already changed the world. Well - ours, at least. Your joy, your love, your needs, your snarky sense of fun and play...what an amazing person you already are!
In a Word: New Year Changes Made Simple
Bah! Humbug! to New Year's Resolutions.
I mean, seriously, have they ever really worked for you? If so, then you are a stellar human being and - seriously - I applaud you.
So this is for the rest of us.
#TrumpPanic? Five Reasons to Choose Hope Instead
I am not a Pollyanna.
Well, maybe a little bit.
But, two days after the Election, I'm tired of feeling my stomach in knots over something I can no longer control. I'm tired of anger. And I'm sick of literally losing sleep over the reality of Donald Trump as President.
Five Good Things When You Take a Facebook Break
For the past couple of years, I have begun the fall season by quitting Facebook - cold turkey – for ten days. This year, I liked the results so much that I haven’t gone back yet, except to check notifications for only a minute or so. I swear. So far, I have hardly clicked “like”, and (gasp!) haven’t even read my birthday messages that came in during the dry spell.
The Five Phrases to Ignore, for a Happier Life
Advertising is everywhere. Every day we're bombarded by images and words that suggest - gently or insistently - that our lives suck. Or we suck. Or at least, that things could be a lot better, and why the heck are we sitting around just enjoying the day?
When Did Happiness Get So Complicated?
Let me guess what you're thinking (because I would be too):
What?!?! Another website about happiness? Seriously? What for?