Ben Behind His Voices Blog
One Family’s Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope
NEW!– the Ben Behind His Voices audiobook has been updated with a new intro, epilogue, and bonus material! – available only in audiobook form. (updated 2022)
Hear all of the original award-nominated memoir, and find out what has happened in the decade since. We continue our journey through crisis, help, and into hope.
Mental Health Issues: Lessons from the Talk Show Circuit
audiobook in CD format
In six days, Ben Behind His Voices will be officially released (audiobook version, too - preview it here!), although according to Amazon stats there have been healthy advance sales of the hardcover and kindle versions. So it's out there! But, to spread the word, getting the media interested and involved is a huge help - and it's definitely a live-it-learn-it series of experiences for this author.
So far, as far as print, radio and TV go:
a handful of BlogTalkRadio interviews - great hosts, interesting conversations, not sure who listens but I hope there's a reach. Archives exist.
The Positive Mind on WBAI inNYC with Armand DiMele. Hour-long, insightful interview with genuine back-and-forth conversation. You can hear it on the "Press" page on this site or on Armand's website.
Interview segments on other radio shows such as Kathryn Raaker's Let's Just Talk, airing on several stations. July 9th segment 1, if you're checking the archives. Kathryn was genuinely interested, as she could personally relate from her own family experience. Great prep, great passion for sharing the message.
Boston Globe interview appeared in print last week - done over the phone, all I had to do was talk. Bloggers have also "interviewed" me by asking questions in writing, to which I responded also in writing- essentially writing my own article, I guess, though interesting answers can only come out of good questions, yes? (links are on Press page too)
This week I drove to Washington DC to appear on "Let's Talk Live", a local ABC-affiliate daytime talk show. If you check the archives/blog of that show (9/7/11) you'll see our segment did not make that cut. What did? Plastic surgery and the "Blondes vs. Brunettes" female football game (For a good cause, so not frivolous. But still). Hmmm.
Then I went to tape an interview for PBS show To the Contrary. So my six-hour drive was not pointless. My experience there is detailed in my article for It made me think, that's for sure. They wanted to know if the book brought anything new to the "mental illness issues" table. In my own personal car-talk on the way home, I found the answer. Yes, what we bring to that table is our story. That's what sets us apart. Of course, we tell the story for many reasons - reduce stigma, increase understanding and respect, advocate for earlier detection, better services, more research. Yes. All that. But if the story grabs you, then Ben and our family will live in your heart, where you might become more aware of these things. That's our real "angle": the human face of the "issues."
More media opportunities ahead - but each is its own experience. Yes, lessons abound. And we've just begun!