January First Review: Yes, Childhood Schizophrenia is Real

January First: A Child's Descent into Madness and Her Father's Struggle to Save Her
by Michael Schofield
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It's such a mirror reflection of the emotions I went through as the mother of a son with schizophrenia - only my child was in his mid-teens when symptoms began. Jani was only - well, in hindsight for this loving, confused family, she was a newborn when her "differences" became apparent.
But, like our family, the Schofields thought, and hoped, that love - and disciplined, creative parenting - might just "fix" the problem. Not the case if your child has schizophrenia, trust me - and not easy to accept for either parent.
This is a highly readable, honest, raw memoir of the grasping at the straws of hope that we go through to find our how we can help our children. And, eventually, that we can't do it alone. Then, we have to find the right people to fill out the team. This, as you'll read, is a long journey.
Many had thought "childhood-onset schizophrenia" was not a real thing. It is. Oh, it is. And this family, like ours, has worked tirelessly to get through the maze, guided by love and hope.
Randye Kaye, author "Ben Behind His Voices"View all my reviews