Touching Lives : Grateful for the Chance
Mental Health and Disability Issues Affect Us All
Keynote: Educate. Collabeate. Advocate
Last month, I had the opportunity to speak about to the wonderful folks at PPAL, the Parent/Profession Advocacy League ("The Massachusetts Family Voice for Children's Mental Health") at their annual conference. Our family story wasn't the only one presented; there were also two adults who had, as children, survived trauma and illness and abuse to come out stronger and smarter. Their stories inspired me, and I was challenges to honor their experiences by connecting our family's journey to theirs.
Courage is everywhere.
Support is essential. Sometimes the one right word, at the right time, can change a life.
My hope, always, when I speak about our family's "chaos to hope" with Ben's schizophrenia (and also in writing the book) is that some of our words will be those "right words" for someone else who may be listening to or reading them.
So happy, therefore, to have heard the following feedback from the fine folks at PPAL:
"96.3% of those who completed an evaluation stated they were, "very satisfied" with your information, preparation and understandability. In addition to the ratings, I thought you might like to read some of the written comments attendant to your presentation and I have listed them below.
o "excellent presentation"
o "she was very inspiring and incredible...have her come back again"
o "loved how she shared the journey of her son...realistic, well done"
o "empowering"
o "I loved her sense of humor"
o "outstanding speaker and presenter"
o "Very well spoken. I'm really happy to have heard her speak."
o "empowering/full of empathy"
o "awesome speaker" o "Very informative and inspirational."
Once again, please accept the sincere thanks from all of us at PPAL."
Thank you!! There is no speaking without a listener. My thanks for the opportunity to connect with all of you at PPAL and see the awesome work you do.