Living with Schizophrenia: Your Family is not Alone
Best Mothers' Day gift ever: the Miracle of Ordinary. Just a simple family dinner for 5, out on the deck, with everyone trying hard to do it all without my help (and me trying hard to stay out of the preparations, not always successfully but close!) Cute. Sweet. In a MasterCard word: Priceless
Why? So much to be grateful for - happy marriages for both me and my daughter, the end of school finals (i.e. stress) for my son-in-law and son, sunshine, food on the table, etc. - and another Mothers' Day with my son with us instead of in the hospital.
In the past few weeks, I've met many amazing Moms. One of them is Claire, whose daughter Rebecca also lives with schizophrenia, as does my son Ben. Their story is included in the documentary Living with Schizophrenia (click to view it for free), which is one of Hope and Recovery - when treatment includes the right medications, love of family and community, and healthcare providers who treat the human being, not just the illness, in a partnership of open communication.
I had the privilege of meeting Rebecca and Claire at the National Council Conference last month in Chicago, along with Dr. Rebecca Roma (also in the film). All of these wonderful women inspire me, and I hope they will inspire you too.
Claire is currently reading Ben Behind His Voices, and says:
Rebecca, Claire, Randye at National Council
I am delighting in your book even more now that I know the author! Your book is amazing... I like the boxes with information in each chapter...I applaud all your hard work to get this book written. It really is a great resource .
Thank you! and thanks to all who have shared their stories with me, and the world, so that no one has to feel alone.
Also in the film, also an inspiration, are Josh and his family, Ashley, and Dr. Xavier Amador, the author ofI am Not Sick I Don't Need Help. Read it if you still think you must "convince" your ill relative that they have an illness before anything can be done. It, and this documentary, may change your mind - and help you to be a partner in a loved one's recovery journey.
I am a proud M.R.G. (Mother who Refused to Give up). Because of the support, education and inspiration I've gotten from people like Claire and Rebecca - and the others in this film - the choice to remain beside my son in his journey has been easier, more hopeful, and more successful.