A Good Day: Ben Comes Back
Ben is on the phone in the other room right now, talking to his friends and explaining that he hasn't been able to call because "I didn't take my meds and so I was in the hospital for six weeks." Hey! That's way more open than he was with the psychiatrist this afternoon. Very interesting. But - he sounds alive. Happy. And I can breathe once again, while my to-do list grows with ideas to try and prevent this last relapse from happening again.
But today - we celebrate. Sure, "what-ifs" can always crowd out the joy, but short of the actions we can take today, and plan for later, there is nothing left but the choice to be grateful. That's where we are right now, and boy does it feel good. I have never regretted letting happiness win, not once. Whatever else happens - or could happen - we are, and will be, able to handle it somehow. (That's one of my favorite "momentary mantras"...I have seven of them that will form the heart of my next book, Happier Made Simple)
And there's more! This is a really cool day.
the first copies! Photographer: Ben himself
1. A package arrived from Rowman and Littlefield: my six "author copies" of my book! And - amazingly - the first one to see these copies was Ben. He's the one who took the picture you see here.
2. Author appearances are building. The latest: a collaboration with the wonderful, devoted, brilliant folks over at Laurel House in Stamford, CT. Watch for more details, but it looks like the book launch party will also be an awareness raiser for the issues we all care about (and solutions, such as the ones exhibited at Laurel House). Save the evening of September 22nd and e-mail me if you want an invite!
3. Thrilled to announce a new partner for Ben Behind His Voices, this time for the audiobook version. I start work next week on the narration for Spoken Word Inc., and it will be available in both CD and downloadable versions. So excited! - This company is dedicated, passionate, thoroughly professional, and as excited about the book as I am. Watch for more on this, but you can always go to facebook and "like" their page at SpokenWordInc, and/or the Ben Behind His Voices, audiobook page.
audiobook version of "ben"
4. Ben's employer - the best ever - is welcoming him back to work after this six-week absence. Before this episode, they had no idea Ben has schizophrenia. Now they know. And they are still giving him back his job - with a willingness to adjust his hours to whatever the Doctor suggests. Now that's another miracle. Ben starts back to work tomorrow.
And, while you're on facebook, the published version of "Ben" has both a group and a page. Thanks!
Yes, a very good day. My family feels complete again. I'll take every day of that I can get. And now - to figure out the next best steps. Ben's stay with us is only a "visit" so we can get the transitional pieces into place.